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martedì 17 dicembre 2013



Una nostra opinione:

  • L' Apple iPhone 5 16GB si presenta al pubblico con un innovativa scocca in alluminio e vetro antigraffio, monta un processore A6 ed e dotato di connettività ultra-veloce LTE e WI-FI dual-band . Porta una fotocamera iSight da 8 Mpx che è in grado di scattare foto in alta definizione, immagini che è possibile apprezzare anche direttamente sul nostro dispositivo, in quanto la Apple ha dotato l'Iphone 5 di uno schermo da 4 pollici con 1136 x 640 pixel.
    Il codice del prodotto è: MD298X/A
    L'Iphone 5 è il dispositivo che in Italia ha portato per primo la tecnologia LTE, infatti quando il dispositivo è uscito sul mercato italiano il 4 G non era ancora attivo da nessun operatore. Straordinario è il lavoro dei designer mantenuto le linee dello smartphone precedentemente immesso sul mercato innovandolo e migliorandolo ovvero stessa larghezza ma circa un centimetro in più di altezza schermo e addirittura ancor più leggero. Il dispositivo monta un processore A6 di ultima generazione. Il dispositivo è disponibile in due colorazioni ( bianco, nero ) .


    L' Apple iPhone 5 16GB è uno dei dispositivi più potenti che possiamo trovare sul mercato sotto l'aspetto della connettività, è il dispositivo che in Italia ha portato per primo la tecnologia LTE, dotato di una connettività Bluetooth 4.0 e addirittura la connessione Wi-Fi dual-band oltre alle modalità HSPA, HSPA+ e DC-HSDPA. Questo smartphone a differenza dei precedenti porta un connettore ancor più sottile e auricolari dal design innovativo e performanti, tutto ciò per garantire il massimo dei confort e delle prestazioni . Il jack di caricabatterie, auricolari e connettore USB è di soli 3,5 millimetri. Il display del dispositivo è stato studiato nei minimi dettagli, e mantiene la stessa larghezza del display dell' Iphone 4 ma è più lungo, la scelta di non allargarlo è stata fatta per poter rendere facile l'utilizzo dello smartphone anche con una sola mano . In dettaglio la risoluzione è pari a 1136 x 640 pixel. La superficie in vetro del dispositivo viene trattata con un prodotto oleorepellente che evita il formarsi di fastidiose impronte sul display. Ottimo è il risultato dei test sull'autonomia del dispositivo che nonostante monti un processore A6 rimane buono il tempo di utilizzo è possibile restare connessi a internet per circa 10 ore nel caso in cui si utilizzi rete WI-Fi mentre circa 8 ore se si utilizza la rete mobile infine in standby il dispositivo resta attivo per circa 225 ore .


    L' Apple iPhone 5 16GB si presenta al pubblico con un design elegante e raffinato, disponibile in due colorazioni , ovvero bianco e nero . La corazza dello smartphone è composta da materiali di prima scelta quali alluminio 6000 e vetro che hanno inciso sul peso e sulle dimensioni, infatti il nostro smartphone risulta avere uno spessore di soli 7,6 millimetri ed un peso pari a soli 112 grammi. Tutte le componenti possiamo dire sono fatte a misura per il nostro dispositivo compresa la scheda del gestore , difatti all'interno dell Iphone 5 va inserita non una micro sim ma una nano sim. la fotocamera da 8 Mpx isight è stata ridimensionata per agevolare il design e l'estetica e la tecnologia touch è stata accorpata al display retina, non un ulteriore strato .


    L' Apple iPhone 5 16GB è dotato di sistema iOS 6, il dispositivo è ricco di funzionalità e innovazioni quali la nuova tecnologia di mappe che sfrutta la grafica vettoriale, la possibilità di interagire con il dispositivo attraverso Siri, fare domande e ricevere delle risposte . Inoltre come nei modelli precedenti abbiamo iCloud che ci permetterà di sincronizzare tutti i nostri dispositivi, computer, tablet , telefonini, lettori multimediali quasi unificandoli nei contenuti ed inoltre ci permette di effettuare il backup  dei dati. Il browser presente sul nostro dispositivo è safari, browser molto scorrevole e leggero. All'interno dello store Apple possiamo trovare numerose applicazioni utili per ottimizzare il nostro dispositivo e personalizzarlo secondo le nostre esigenze ed interessi.


     L' Apple iPhone 5 16GB è dotato di una fotocamera principale da 8Mpx con in grado di scattare fotografie panoramiche, immagini e video in alta definizione ed inoltre utilizza una tecnica di rilevamento automatico dei volti, autofocus, zoom e flash, tutto questo per migliorare le nostre fotografie. La fotocamera secondaria ha una risoluzione di 1,2 Mpx con una tecnica di acquisizione dell'immagine ultra-avanzata, acquisisce infatti immagini a 720 linee circa trenta al secondo . Fotocamera secondaria che principalmente è usata per le videochiamate attraverso facetime o altre applicazioni che lo permettono e/o per le videochat .


    L' Apple iPhone 5 16GB nel design non è stato stravolto il modello precedente ma semplicemente raffinato e migliorato nella forma , in quanto allungarlo ma non allargarlo dopo gli studi fatti dai progettisti sembra essere la scelta più opportuna per il confort e la comodità di colui che andrà ad utilizzare il dispositivo . I materiali sono di prima qualità, l'hardware esterno del dispositivo  lo rende uno degli smartphone più eleganti del mercato mentre l'hardware interno fa si che il processore A6 la fotocamera da 8 Mpx e lo schermo risultano un mix ottimo per le prestazioni del dispositivo . Per la connessione ad internet lo smartphone ha a disposizione le più innovative tecnologie , infatti risulta scorrevole e veloce .  


    Marca   Apple
    Modello              iPhone 5 16GB
    Reti        WCDMA (UMTS) / GSM 850/900/1800/1900
    Tipo di cellulare                Smartphone
    Design  Candybar
    Dispositivi integrati         Fotocamera digitale, seconda telecamera, Lettore digitale, Ricevitore GPS, ricevitore GLONASS, registratore vocale
    Funzioni telefono           Vivavoce, controllo vocale, timer chiamate, teleconferenza, composizione vocale, avviso con vibrazione
    Dimensione display [pixel]         1136x640 pixel
    Lunghezza diagonale [Pollici]     4 Pollici
    Tipo display        Colore
    Tecnologia          Retina Display
    Lingue disponibili            Danese, Ebraico, Ungherese, Ceco, Croato, Indonesiano, Tailandese, Slovacco, Cinese (tradizionale), Cinese (semplificato), Vietnamita, Ucraino, Portoghese brasiliano, Inglese, Tedesco, Francese, Italiano, Norvegese, Portoghese, Polacco, Finlandese, svedese, Russo, Spagnolo, Olandese, Greco, Turco, Arabo, Rumeno, Catalano, Giapponese, Coreano, malese
    Tipo tastiera      multi-touch
    Videochiamata Sì
    Composizione vocale    Sì
    Vibrazione          Sì
    Sensori Accelerometro, Sensore luce ambientale, Sensore di prossimità, Sensore giroscopico a tre assi, bussola digitale
    Autonomia in Stand-By [hr]       225 hr
    Autonomia chiamata [min]         480 min
    Caratteristiche addizionali           editor di immagini, FaceTime, streaming wireless AirPlay, stampa wireless AirPrint, funzione Photo Stream
    Composizione vocale    Sì
    Timer chiamate                Sì
    Vivavoce             Sì
    Chiamata in conferenza               Sì
    Dimensioni [mm]            59x124x8 mm
    Peso [g]               112 g
    Materiale corpo               Alluminio, vetro
    Colore  Bianco e argento
    Resistenza          Rivestimento oleofobico anti-impronta
    Foto      Sì
    Caratteristiche  rilevamento di volti, Multi-shots, registrazione video, stabilizzatore video, funzione tap to focus, geotagging di foto e video
    Messa a fuoco  Automatico
    Megapixel [MPx]            8 MPx
    Apertura focale               F/2.4
    Effetti speciali   HDR
    Risoluzione video            1920 x 1080 (1080p)
    Sorgente luminosa per videocamera     Illuminazione a LED
    MMS     Sì
    Funzioni di messaggistica/dati   Supporto PDF, supporto Microsoft Word, supporto Microsoft Excel, Supporto Microsoft PowerPoint
    Instant Messaging          Sì
    Servizi di Istant Messaging          Sì
    Browser Internet            Sì
    Client di posta elettronica           Sì
    Social network e blog supportati             Facebook
    Servizi mobile   Video Call, App Store, iTunes Store
    Generazione banda larga            4G
    Sistema operativo          iOS 6
    Formati audio supportati             WAV, AAC, AIFF, PCM, Audible, MP3, Apple Lossless, AAC-LC, HE-AAC, Audible AAX, Audible AAX+, protected AAC
    Mp3      Sì
    GPS Integrato   Sì
    Player video      Sì
    Formati video supportati             AVI, MOV, M-JPEG, MPEG-4, H.264, M4V
    Processore         Apple A6
    Memoria integrata         16 GB
    Funzioni              Calendario, sincronizzazione con PC, calcolatrice, promemoria, sveglia
    Connessioni wireless     Bluetooth 4.0, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n
    GPRS     Sì
    HSDPA  Sì
    HSPA+  Sì
    HSUPA Sì
    EDGE     Sì
    UMTS   Sì
    4G (LTE)               Sì
    Tipo connettore              Headset jack - mini-phone 3.5 mm, Lightning
    Presa auricolari Sì
    Navigazione GPS             Ricevitore A-GPS/GLONASS
    Software e servizi di navigazione             Apple Maps
    Temperatura min esercizio [°C]                0 °C
    Temperatura max esercizio [°C]               35 °C
    Umidità ambiente operativo     5 - 95% (non-condensing)
    Software             Mail, Notes, Calendar, Contatti, Voice Memo, FaceTime, Safari, Photos, Game Center, iBooks, iTunes, Find My iPhone, Stocks, Newsstand, Weather, Siri, iCloud, Passbook, Find My Friends
    Accessori nella confezione         cavo USB, Adattatore di corrente, Apple EarPods
    Standard di conformità HAC(Hearing Aid Compatible)
    Garanzia              1 anno di garanzia
    Dettagli supporto e garanzia      Garanzia limitata - 1 anno

domenica 20 ottobre 2013

Apple, rumors about new features coming From new iPad to PC more powerful, the Apple news coming

ROME - iPad fifth generation faster and with fingerprint recognition , iPad Mini with Retina display that is higher resolution, a new generation of Apple TV and the date of issue of the operating system for Mac OS X Mavericks And who knows if there will be room for the eagerly awaited iWatch or iTV . These are the rumors circulating about Apple blog a few days after the conference to be held Oct. 22 at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco. An event held a few weeks after the launch of the new iPhone arriving in Italy on Friday. "We still have a lot to cover ," wrote the company on the invitation to the press, a direct message to those who argue that the Cupertino giant has lost its incentive to innovate since there is no Steve Jobs. And the recent acquisitions of manager - the last in order of time Angela Ahrendts at Burberry - they realize that something is boiling in the pot and the effects are likely to see in 2014. Meanwhile , on this occasion, Apple could begin migrating to other devices already implemented the news on the latest iPhone by. For the iPad 5 could have , in addition to a new design, the ' Touch Id ' , that is the sensor for fingerprints used as a password , a faster chip (A7 64-bit to be envied by a computer) , an improved camera and new colors ( gold, silver and gray sidereal ) . All news already present on the iPhone 5s . For the iPad Mini , however, the real news would be the arrival of the Retina Display that ' higher resolution, plus the fact that the younger brother of the iPad might be the thinnest and lightest of the current generation . But the news may not end up here . During the conference of 22 October Cupertino will also present a new generation of Apple TV ( the ' box ' that is connected to the television allows you to buy or rent movies , see sports , video, music and photos) ; announce the dates of release of the new Mac Pro , a ' desktop ' intended for a professional audience , a real ' brain ' internal circuits with up to five times more powerful than previous generations and with a simple and elegant design (it is a black cylinder ) . But also the availability of official Mavericks OS X , the operating system for Mac presented at the conference of the developers of June . Finally , there might be room for a new generation of MacBook Pro, Apple laptops with Retina Display and maybe with more powerful processors .

sabato 8 giugno 2013

iPhone, Facebook drains the battery here two remedies do-it-yourself

The real problem of the iPhone 5 has been from the beginning the battery life: even without going overboard with the use and turning off push notifications and various, difficult to get through the day. The defect actually dates back to the last previous models, without which Apple has never been able to intervene in an effective manner. So now are private developers to get busy and one of them, by applying Instruments, monitored the activities of its iPhone by (a 4S, for the record) coming to a startling discovery: the real culprit would be the app Facebook.

Mysterious operations. Available via totally free on all systems that run on iOS, iPad included, the app of the popular social network Zuckerberg wakes it from the background every few minutes, operates a few seconds, goes back to sleep for a while 'and so on in an automatic cycle that ends the charge to drain quickly.

The developer author of the discovery, Düvel Sebastian, said a close look at all the myriad operations that directly affect the battery of the iPhone and the most obvious result was that the Facebook app consumes more of the same system processes. Added to this is the sister app Facebook Messenger uses both VoIP and audio, other functions that operate in the background. Result: even with the chat turned off, one app is likely to eat the whole charge of most of the iPad or iPhone by date.

Two remedies do-it-yourselfers. But if the experts are still unable to give a reason for these excesses of consumption, in the specialized blogs have already sprung up ad hoc remedies to overcome (at least partially) to the problem. How do you remember iPhoneHacks, are two options, and both have already been tried in the past: the forced closure of the app after using it (essentially just press the power button until it says "turn off" and then press and hold the Home button for 5-6 seconds) or alternatively totally avoid the Facebook app, reaching the site from the browser as if it were a web page any (possibly creating a web app, that is a shortcut on the Home screen), so as to avoid any possible movement autonomous in background. Not the most comfortable, sure, but better than resorting to Airplane Mode at 8 pm.

First interview from space astronaut Parmitano: "Earth magnificent and fragile '

From "Houston, we have a problem" to "I've seen C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate." From "Apollo 13" to "Blade Runner", because then it ends up that it is impossible to interview an astronaut without the trajectories of the thoughts of us earthlings intercept memory song.

However, as it was understood from the first images, even the words of Luke Skywalker Parmitano confirm that our feels in heaven, or very very close to it. Infectious enthusiasm here is what transmits the Sicilian pilot from 400 km altitude and darting to 28 thousand mph.
On the tenth day of the International Space Station, the first Italian soon "will come out for a walk" among the stars answered questions from reporters invited to Tor Vergata the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency.

The first small, and only problem summoned Houston (the rest is the film that has copied the reality and not vice versa) was aired shortly before the time of the connection: audio and images bounced from Texas did not coincide, but the inconvenience (which is announced) lasted less than a minute during which, instead of the astronaut on the screen we saw the control room that we all in the head with the voice of Tito Stagno.

Then it was directly Parmitano remained to tell of being out of breath in the last few hours admiring the glow of the "night luminescent clouds that float in the mesosphere." We do not know really what they are, but we trust. And who knew those "B rays of Tann-qualchecosa"? The effect, or awe and envy, journalists and insiders it was still the same.

"Here I feel at home," said the astronaut, remembering measured with patriotic pride that half of the housing modules of the space station has been designed and built in Italy. With the microphone that floated in front of the face, Parmitano has also regretted not being a poet or a writer (but will not have time to become one) to be able to describe the charm of the planet as seen from above. "So beautifully delicate and lovely, in the black brings out the colors of the rainbow."

It also confirmed that the six-month mission will fly Flying just a breath away, with all those who will carry out experiments on behalf of institutions and universities. It has already completed one on treatment for osteoporosis and soon, when it will arrive in the coming days the form Atv with other kits, will attempt to turn on for the first time in the space station an open flame. Serve to develop a highly ecological fuel whose components on the earth, due to the force of gravity, can not be mixed. "We work eight hours per day with half the experiments, the other two do gymnastics. And 'required to help the body to cope with the lack of weight, although I must say that as far as I'm concerned, I immediately adapted very well. And then you rest. If I were to use one word to describe the situation up here I like to think of harmony. Of course, I knew my fellow adventurers, but really there's a passion and a common purpose that I'd like to find on Earth, in Italy, when you come back. When we eat, always together, seems to be in a hostel with old friends. Vabbeh, if there is just one thing missing is the strong espresso coffee. "

It walks, expected in July. "The emotion is very high, but I will try to stay focused on the procedures. It 'important that an Italian has finally been given this task is a sign that all our scientific and industrial sector, with the cooordinamento of ESA and ASI, is held in high esteem. Indeed, we should push more and more organizations and companies to take advantage of the opportunity to do research on the space station. "
The greatest test pilot of the Air Force has always told to dream to be an astronaut as a child even to understand "who is watching us from up there."

"Just to live to the full this opportunity - he says - I have brought books. Every free second step in the dome (on the other hand made in Italy ISS) to look at the space and the Earth. I have told you of the luminescent clouds that leave you speechless and now add the unity and harmony that animates all those who from the Earth and the station participating in the mission. It 'a situation that frees the spirit ".

How do the interview with an astronaut? The connection (see video), at least in this first occasion, lasted 20 minutes and the 11 journalists who had responded to the invitation could ask a question each: the texts were proposed in recent days to avoid overlapping. Then it must be remembered that as we speak with two-way radio: the application is made all in one go and then waits for the response (there is a delay of a few seconds) without the possibility to interrupt each other. You might also try Ballarò and Clean Sweep. The only drawback is the tight time and so, having only one in the chamber, no one dares to ask the questions that everyone would expect: he spoke with his wife Kathy and daughters aged 3 and 6 years? Do you miss? How does it taste recycled water from the waste liquid (we understand) ISS? As you wash the station? And the toilet is how it works in weightlessness? When you start to look with hatred freeze-dried asparagus? Its own is never to argue with fellow travelers confined in so few cubic meters? There is no field for mobile phones? In orbit you see the satellite tv? (No, come on, the latter two not). For the other looking forward to the next time.

Tablet low cost, here offers HP, Lenovo and Acer

The tablet 7 or 8 inches (17.8 / 20.32 cm) were often considered second-best solution, cheap versions of the models 10-inch (25.4 cm diagonal). In mid-2012 quad-core Nexus built by Asus on specific Google, breaks the stereotype is natively very powerful but also expensive. Only in recent weeks, finally, the segment "entry level" is populated with models powerful enough to support all common applications and significantly less expensive. With a digit in the range 150-200 euro you can buy a tablet today modern and functional for all uses, including school, provided you know the features that really matter.

The first aspect to consider is the operating system, certainly Google's Android, the only one for devices of this price. Attention must be paid to the actual installed version. Version 4.1 (later 4.2) "Jelly Bean", developed specially for Nexus 7 is the most widespread in the latest models of all manufacturers. The CPU is now increasingly the type "dual-core", namely a single chip with two embedded processors, minimum 1.2 GHz with regard to the speed. The amount of RAM right, often confused in stores with a generic "Internal Memory", is now equal to 1 GB, to use multiple applications simultaneously. The "non-volatile memory", the equivalent of PC hard disk, it is parameter to be controlled well because some models, the first of its Nexus 7 Google / Asus, have no slot for MicroSD card so they can not be expanded. This explains the price difference between the same tablet in "8 GB" or "16/32 GB", in addition to the presence or absence of 3G radio, which usually does not allow you to call being dedicated to the exchange data, and GPS .

Smartphone, once upon a time a call: in the new handsets you chat on social networks

"There is no more - fortunately and unfortunately - the phones of a time": this is the summary of the result of the survey, Kingston Technology, the largest independent memory manufacturer in the world, who asked how Italians changed in recent years the use that is made of this object really revolutionary.

Functions reversed. "I wonder if Martin Cooper - reads a note - American engineer of Motorola, the April 3, 1973, he entered the story with the first call made by a portable 1.5 kg, it was imagined that six decades later, the Its jewel would only be used by 23.3% of the people to make calls. Today, in fact, 33.3% of respondents admit to use the phone mainly for social activities on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. 26.4% use it to chat on WhatsApp, and only 9.7% is limited to sending text messages. "

The object most loved. "And if once the most feared loss was that of the portfolios (today it is still 26.3%) - continues the statement - in our times most (32.9%) said that the loss would be more shocking than your smartphone. In second place is the loss of a tooth (19.7%), and only the fourth keys (11.8%).

Boomerang effect. According to the survey, Kingston, between their various functions, mobile phones are being exploited by 21.1% to distract the children during a dinner at the restaurant, to avoid harmful raids between the tables. Family cell phone, however, it has always played a role a little 'uncomfortable, finishing to reveal escapades and betrayal. And although the 57.9% declared that they have nothing to hide (or maybe it was not completely sure of the anonymous questionnaire), 22.4% admit, to avoid being caught in the act, never to leave your phone unattended , 10.5% instead, it protects the informal sector from prying eyes by entering a passcode on the phone.

Apple, "scrapping" the old iPhone to take the new. With discount

ROME - A news so amazing that if it were not to give the authoritative Bloomberg few people would believe: Apple will launch by the end of June, a trade-in program iPhone, to entice users to return the old models and go with a discount the new iPhone 5.

According to well-informed sources cited by the U.S., but who asked to remain anonymous until the official launch, Apple has signed an agreement with the distributor of smartphones Brightstar Corp, which will manage the program. The incentive strategy of CEO Tim Cook - is the analysis of Bloomberg - strong tip on news of a new iPhone but at a discounted price to revive sales and combat the emergence of superopotenza Samsung, which with the new Galaxy S4 is gnawing more market shares.

The global iPhone. But what will these iPhone "repudiated"? Nothing scrapped: the idea of ​​Cupertino is to invade with a myriad of Melafonino dated - but still of value and reconditioned, that is totally refurbished in sixth at the hardware level - all emerging markets, where it is still low penetration of smartphones from high-end and there are many who do not have never owned one.

Immediate payment. The operation of exchange - explains Bloomberg - will only be possible in the Apple authorized resellers, so as to avoid the hassles of shipping to consumers of their cell phone, and especially for him to receive the instant rebate on the purchase of a brand new iPhone .
A truly unprecedented for the many fans of Apple products - the company's fixed price par excellence.